Phone numbers and taxi fares to and from the airport
Radio Taxi - Phone numbers
To book a taxi ride to and from Linate you can call the number 02 7777, which can be used by any citizen, calling both from landline and mobile or using the MiT app (Milan in Taxi).
To directly contact one of the many active radiotaxi services for Linate airport, the telephone numbers of each operator are listed below:
Radiotaxi 6969 - Phone: (+39) 02 6969
Radio Taxi Freccia - Phone: (+39) 02 4000
Taxi Blu - Phone: (+39) 02 4040
Radio Taxi La Martesana - Phone: (+39) 02 2181
Taxi 8585 Autoradiotassi - Phone: (+39) 02 8585
ETAXI - Radio Taxi Milano - Tel: (+39) 02 5353
Fixed fare Linate Airport - Malpensa Airport or viceversa 124 €
Fixed fare Linate Airport - Fiera Milano (Rho) or viceversa 64 €
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